Clockwork Canine dog training

dog training and dog reactivity training in:
Vancouver, WA - Clark County, WA - Camas, WA And surrounding areas

1-on-1 positive reinforcement dog Training, puppy training, & Positive reinforcement dog reactivity Training, At Your Location or Online

Contact me @ 360-818-4003‬


Or, you  can Email me @

Vancouver Wa dog trainer with small tan dog on lap

Hi! My name is David, and that's my dog Zero! I established Clockwork Canine in 2019, and I've been offering dog training services to local clients since!

 Every dog is different, and I love to discover each new dogs personality, and to formulate custom tailored training plans to  get to the root of problematic dog and puppy behaviors, and bring peace, harmony, and control back to my clients households.

Using the latest in positive reinforcement, force free dog training methods, combined with the latest in behavioral training for dogs , I will help you train your dog to be obedient, calm, and learn a few tricks on the way. We will achieve the best dog obedience training together using tried and true, scientifically backed, and professionally recommended dog training and dog behavior methods!

I offer puppy obedience training, dog obedience training, and reactive or aggressive dog training to clients in person, at their location in Vancouver WA and surrounding areas. I offer online dog training as well! So, if you're asking yourself "Is there a dog trainer near me?" I have you covered!

1-on-1 in person dog training in Vancouver WA, Clark county Washington, and surrounding areas!

Live customized Online dog training sessions available as well!

Schedule your Free In Person Consultation Here

Check out our Training Packages and Pricing Here

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A solid foundation is the core to a happy, friendly, well behaved dog!